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Return to first page of autoimmune disease. New findings from Penn State researchers suggests a diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil helps a body cope with stress by lowering both resting blood pressure and blood pressure responses to stress.The study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, examined walnuts and walnut oils, which contain polyunsaturated fats, influence blood pressure at rest and under stress. Previous studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids--like the alpha linolenic acid found in walnuts and flax seeds--can reduce low density lipoproteins (LDL) and may reduce c-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation.

"People who show an exaggerated biological response to stress are at higher risk of heart disease," said Sheila G. West, associate professor of biobehavioral health. "We wanted to find out if omega 3-fatty acids from plant sources would blunt cardiovascular responses to stress."

Here at Mark's Daily Apple, we're pretty picky about our oils, but one oil that we can truly get on board with is walnut oil.

Of all the oils, walnut oil is clearly one of the healthiest. In the olden days, it was used to cure many ailments including stomach and skin problems, tuberculosis (although, admittedly, the jury is out on just how successful that might have been!), hair loss and diabetes.

Today, however, walnut oil is more revered as a healthy source of fat, containing roughly 72% polyunsaturated fat. Walnuts are high in alpha-linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that is converted to EPA and DHA (long-chain omega-3s) in the body. Furthermore, walnut oil is also a great source of omega-9, which helps maintain artery health, as well as omega-6 (you gotta have some of em), which is important for skin and hair growth as well as maintaining a healthy reproductive system.

So let's take it to the lab and put walnut oil to the test! In a study conducted by University of California-Davis, researchers found that hamsters that ate walnut-infused feed had significantly lower levels of endothelin, a naturally occurring chemical that causes inflammation of arteries and plaque accumulation in vessels (both of which are linked to heart disease). In addition, consumption of walnuts was associated with a 64% increase in the elasticity of arteries and was found to prevent endothelial dysfunction (which has been linked with coronary artery disease and other cardiac ailments) in patients with high cholesterol.

Other pros for walnut oil (and walnuts in general) are that they are a great source of antioxidants, delivering more than 20 mmol antioxidants per 100 grams (making it one of the best sources of antioxidants among tree nut varieties). Specifically, walnuts are a great source of ellagic acid, which helps detoxify potential cancer-causing substances and helps limit the replication of cancer cells. To help these antioxidants along, walnuts are a very good source of manganese and copper, two minerals that act as catalysts in antioxidant reactions. Finally, walnuts are also a natural source of melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland that is thought to play a role in regulating sleep.

Although slightly more expensive than other oils, walnut oil is a delicious and easy-to-use oil to use in food preparation. It has a light, delicate flavor and scent that makes it a good match for fine balsamic vinegars, red wine vinegars and tarragon white vinegar when used in salad dressings and can also be used to add flavor to grilled fish or meat dishes. When using it in cooking, chefs suggest that you avoid using it at high temperatures, as the heat can turn the oil bitter and destroy some of its antioxidant properties.

Like any healthy unsaturated fat, walnut oil is best when stored in a cool place and should be used up or tossed out within six weeks after first opening.

Click to view different size nerve fibers.

Journal reference: Journal of Applied Toxicology (vol 24, p5) continue to next page for list of chemicals in deodrants

continue to page-2 of coconut oil benefits

THE FREE RADICAL THEORY OF AGING proposes that the actual process of living causes deterioration in the body. When we burn nutrients in the presence of oxygen to produce energy, the by-products are carbon dioxide and water, and in this process, molecular particles called free radicals are produced. A free radical can be hydrogen peroxide or molecules that are produced by hydrogen peroxide interactions. These free radicals cause damage to the individual cell walls and particularly to the fats. When we burn something in the presence of oxygen, we produce free radicals.

DOWN'S SYNDROME: UNCONTROLLED FREE RADICAL PRODUCTION . People with Down's Syndrome are born with an extra Chromosome 21. This produces characteristics of weakness, mental retardation and early death. Their life is shortened by about 25 to 30 years. When I was in medical school, I couldn't figure out why having three chromosomes wasn't better than two. What has been discovered is that the third chromosome overexpresses the gene that produces superoxide dismutase. Superoxide dismutase is one of the body's mechanisms to control free radicals and turn them into hydrogen peroxide which is also a free radical, but it is controlled by the glutathione system. The extra genes in Down's Syndrome which produce superoxide dismutase cause the production of 50% more hydrogen peroxide than in a normal individual. So people with Down's Syndrome are generating free radicals which are literally eating them up. The blood levels of people with Down's Syndrome show excessive hydrogen peroxide and excessive damage from free radicals. Their vitamin C and vitamin A levels are characteristically low, so these children can't compensate for the overexpression of superoxide dismutase and several other products. Nutritional compensation with additional vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, and vitamin E is the treatment. Hydrogenated fats should be avoided because they create a lot of free radicals. Once they are treated, these children become normal. The Down's Syndrome Congress in Atlanta and the Down's Syndrome Association in Boston are claiming that there are no studies which prove this, but that is absolute nonsense.

LONGEVITY IS INCREASED BY USING ANTIOXIDENTS TO TREAT FREE RADICALS However, the aging process is much more gentle than we had thought if you intervene in your aging process by taking antioxidants and nutritional supplements, replace some of the hormones that you are no longer producing, and have a healthy diet.

FREE RADICAL SCAVENGERS ARE KNOWN AS ANTIOXIDENTS The aqueous free radical scavengers are vitamin C, thiamine, glutathione and selenium. The fat soluble scavengers are beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E.

VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS Some people may require three times as much B6 or B12 for optimal health. Each nutrient is involved in a whole host of mechanisms. B6 is involved in 300 biological mechanisms. Magnesium is involved in 350 biological processes. Therefore when you begin reducing nutrients, higher and higher percentages of people get ill. The treatment or prevention is to take nutritional elements in excess of what most people normally need by taking a vitamin and mineral supplement. This will ensure that your individual variable requirements are met. I have seen dramatic improvement when people increase their intake of water soluble vitamins and anti-oxidant nutrients. We have protocols and documentation that heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes can all be improved by taking supplements. How does this happen? We are probably extremely nutritional deprived by the foods of industry that are stripped of minerals and vitamins.

Please continue to next page read how Pharma Drugs reduce ageing


Criteria CIDP

CIDP is diverse , it has been recently reported to involve cranial nerves, CNS and thus makeing guidelines and trying to fit this condition within them is not a easy task.