women heart attack
bypass Heart Bypass
Heart stents and surgery have become a common problem, cidpusa introduces their heart transplant avoidance, bypass avoidance and also avoiding stent placement. This is done simply by using our cidpusa protocol of drugs for 4 -8 weeks mentioned below.
At nanotech we have taken end stage heart disease patients who had multi vessel blockage and experience cardiac events on a daily basis. Those patients were placed on our diet and drug protocols for 8 weeks. They have fully recovered from heart disease, multi vessel blockage with just the diet and antibiotic protocol. Read the avoid hear bypass section and lower cholesterol section
Heart stents and surgery have become a common problem, cidpusa introduces their heart transplant avoidance, bypass avoidance and also avoiding stent placement. This is done simply by using our cidpusa protocol of drugs for 4 -8 weeks described below.
Citrin (Garcinia cambogia)
Inhibits synthesis of fatty acids in liver, helps prevent accumulation of fats in the circulatory system.
Cayenne – (Capsicum annum)– Cayenne
One of the most effective stimulants for both the digestive and circulatory systems.Cayenne regulates blood pressure, strengthens the pulse, feeds the heart, lowers cholesterol, thins the blood, and cleanses the circulatory system.Cayenne helps cell structure in the arteries aiding the rebuilding process of damaged arteries due to heart disease.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic has been used longer for more purposes in more places than any other plant.(cultivated in the middle east over 5,000 years ago and found in the Egyptian tomb of King Tutankhamen).In the circulatory system, Garlic loers cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, blood lipids and blood pressure and also raises high density lipoproteins.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) (Gan Jiang)
click here for more info on Ginger
The volatile oils in ginger stimulate both the circulatory and respiratory systems.Ginger lowers cholesterol levels, deter blood clots and purifies the blood.
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) – click here for more info on Gotu Kola
The volatile oils in Gotu Kola have a diuretic and blood purify8ing property which helps lower serum and cholesterol levels because they contain beta-sitoerol.
Hawthorn Berries (Crataegus oxycantha) ()
Click here for more info on Hawthorn Berries
Hawthorn regulates high and low blood pressure, arrhythmic heartbeat, irregular pulse and prevents the hardening of the arteries.It can also treat arteriosclerosis and cools inflammation in heart muscle in inflammatory conditions.If used regularly Hawthorn can strengthen the heart muscles and nerves of the heart.
Lecithin (Natural Occurring Fat)
Lecithin breaks down fat and cholesterol enabling the body to use what it needs and discarding the rest.It therefore cleanses the circulatory system of cholesterol deposits while providing essential nutrients for proper brain and nervous system function.
Onion (Allium cepa)
Throughout recorded history onion has been used as a heart tonic, blood purifier, antiseptic, digestive aid, sedative and aphrodisiac.An onion a day will boost their high density lipoprotein levels which will help remove cholesterol and low density lipoproteins.Onions also contain adenosine.Adenosine has been proven to lower blood pressure by inhibiting platelets to stick together and form clots.Onions will also aid the body in dissolving already formed clots by stimulating the bodies fibrinolytic system.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) –
Hundreds of experiments have been done on Valerian in Germany and Russia for its effectivemeness in the treatment of nervous, circulatory, digestive and sleep disorders.Studies have shown Valerian to reduce hypertension, slow the heart rate and increase the power of each beat.Valerian is great natural treatment for palpitations and nervousness.
Healthy Oils for cooking
Arjuna for hearts
Sleep apnea
Green tea for heart
Heart test
Heart Inflammation
Heart Bypass
heart immuno
Low fat diet consequences
Most diabetic neuropathy is CIDP
Axonal Polyneuropathy EMG
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Almonds lower cholesterol
Muscle inflammation
Inflammation and heart
D-Vitamin deficiency causes Heart disease
Sugar & Heart
Stents useless
Quick heart Cure
Extend your life
Green tea helps autoimmune disease
Cause of Death in USA is hospital care
Artificial sweeteners increase weight
Anti ageing
Blood clots
Vinegar Benefits
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Right Fat Diet
Electrical Stimulation Therapy
Magnets and ageing
Takayasu arteritis