Autoimmune Malaria
Search Cidpusa webMalaria
Malaria: It's Symptoms, How it spreads, How we Can Naturally Resist
it, and How We Treat it
Infectious diseases including malaria have been known to induce autoimmunity. The mechanism behind this is not well understood. One of the common autoimmune responses after malaria infection is severe anemia
caused by autoantibodies.
Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. In a disease
like Malaria, humans that are constantly exposed to Malaria have
developed a resistance to it through mutations. Malaria is a
parasitic virus that is transmitted by the mosquitoes to the humans.
The mosquitoes usually at night seeks the carbon-dioxide producing
human. Since its being attracted by the carbon dioxide the mosquito
will usually attack the face area. The mosquito is seeking a fill of
blood so it is similar to a Dracula which comes at night and is
seeking to fill its belly with blood.
Sequential chills, fever, and sweating
Headache, Nausea and vomitingm, Muscle pain, Anemia
bloody stools, Jaundice, Convulsion, Coma
Malaria is a parasitic disease characterized by A-.fever, B-.chills,
C-.anemia thus making them the top three major identifying
Spread of Malaria
The way malaria is spread can be separated into three stages.
Stage one, entering the mosquito
The vector for malaria is a mosquito. When a mosquito bites a human
infected with malaria plasmodia enter the insect's body and
reproduce in its stomach. The new protozoan make their way up to the
mosquito's saliva.