Underactive thyroid in U.S. mostly from autoimmune attack -2 As to nutritional deficiency, a lack of the mineral iodine can play a part in hypothyroidism. In fact, worldwide, a lack of iodine is one of the most common causes of the disease. The body needs iodine to produce T-3 and T-4. In the United States, however, iodine deficiency is rare, mainly due to the addition of iodine to table salt. Throw this salt away and replace it with sea salt that has natural Iodine in it and use it as a supplement in your water and give it to all kids to save them from Hypothyroidism. Yes, you can begin eating seaweed to supply your thyroid with the natural iodine it needs. Seaweeds like dulse flakes, alaria, wakame, nori, and agar-agar will put more than 100 beneficial nutrients, including natural iodine, into your body. BUT if your pituitary gland is still soaked in toxic fluoride, the seaweed, good as it is, won't help much. So what you need to do is banish fluoride from your life. That's not an easy task. Most of the cities in this country add toxic fluoride to their water supplies. It's also in the air we breathe because of the discharge from coal- burning plants. It's in bottled drinks and foods. And, of course, it's in most commerical brands of toothpaste.
You will need to detoxify body and chealate the toxic Flouride out can be done by fasting, using cilantro in your diet twice daily and bathing with Boric acid. |
Iodine deficiency disorder cretinism in a boy
Caption: Hypothyroidism. View of a stunted boy suffering from cretinism or hypothyroidism This condition is often congenital, caused by an underactive thyroid gland, however in this case it was caused by iodine deficiency. Cretinism is characterized by mental retardation, stunted growth (dwarfism) and coarsening of the skin and facial features. Iodine is an element essential for the formation of thyroid hormones thyroxine & triiodothyronine. These hormones control the rate of metabolism & growth & development. Treatment is either replacement therapy with thyroxine; or iodine supplements.