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In a 4-year study on vitamin C intake via fruits showed:

Lower intakes of fruit and vegetables, and vitamin C were associated with an increased risk of developing arthritis. Those in the lowest category of vitamin C intake, compared with the highest, increased their risk of developing arthritis more than threefold, adjusted odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals . Weak inverse associations between vitamin E and β-carotene intake and arthritis risk were found.

Conclusion: Patients with arthiritis consumed less fruit and vitamin C than matched controls, which appeared to increase their risk of developing Arthiritis.

Researchers  in another study say people had the lowest levels of vitamin C in their diet were three times more likely to develop inflammatory arthritis than people who got the most of the vitamin from fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and raw, red sweet pepper. Compared with those who did not develop the disease, researchers found that those with arthritis ate fewer fruits and vegetables. Specifically, people who ate the least amount of fruits and vegetables had double the risk of developing inflammatory arthritis.

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) help control inflammation and autoimmunity in the body. Tregs are so important, in fact, that scientists are working to generate stable induced Tregs (iTregs) in vitro for use as treatments for autoimmune diseases as well as rejection to transplanted organs. Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to find the right molecular ingredients to induce stable iTregs.The recent study, led by LJI Professor Anjana Rao, Ph.D., and Emory Instructor Benjamin G Barwick, Ph.D., builds on the previous discovery that Vitamin C can enhance the enzymatic activity of TET proteins and prompt the generation of stable iTregs under lab conditions.

Vitamin C plays a synergistic role in reducing pain in patients with diabetic neuropathy. It improves quality of life due to its analgesic properties. Moreover, it is cost-effective and appears to be a safe and adjuvant therapy for specific pain relief. Patients should be encouraged to take vitamin C along with pharmacological management to get maximum relief from pain the recommended dose is
200 mg oral vitamin C. This study was done in Pakistan.