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Saffron Queen Spice,

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Saffron Queen of spices

Improve immunity Beauty; hepatitis, infertility

Saffron finds a variety of uses in Medicines which heal a variety of diseases ranging from Arthritis to Impotence and Infertility, aphrodisiac.

A saffron infusion can be helpful for irregular menstruation and menstrual pains. To make this infusion you will want to steep 6 to 10 saffron (threads) in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Drink 1 cup a day, unsweetened. Saffron is prized for its aphrodisiac qualities. Try using it in food, baths and massages to inspire your romantic encounters. Just get rid of your irregular menstrual cycle by the method described,

The carotenoids  in Saffron have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the eyes as well as some types of cancer. Saffron is also a good source of zeaxanthins, which give salmon its pink color and is abundant in the retina

It is known to have aphrodisiac properties and is widely used in Asia and the Middle East as such. Chinese and Tibetan Medicine .

It is an essential commodity in high quality milk/cream based confectioneries and Mughlai dishes in India wherein it imparts a rich colour and distinctive flavour.

The fact is that Indians in general are crazy about this exotic spice. In India, to serve dishes laced with saffron is regarded as a mark of honor to the guest and has become the norm rather than an exception. In fact the average use of this spice in even a middle class family wedding in the state of Rajasthan and Gujarat is about 250 gms!

Due to the large number of experienced users in India and the frequency of the use also being very high, the consumer in India is very discerning. After having tried the product of other countries, he prefers the local variety above all others and Kashmiri Saffron commands a premium over the rest even in India and the locally produced saffron is priced higher than that available of Spain or Iran.

In the western world it is used primarily as a spice. But it is also discovering its uses as a health tonic which naturally does not have side effects. About 50 mg of Saffron dissolved in a glass of 200ml milk and a spoonful of sugar makes a very tasty drink which is also a health tonic. A regular intake of this every day for a period of time enables the body to build resistance against a lot of common diseases such as Asthma, Common colds claim Ayurvedic Practitioners. But beware, do not to expect it to act as a magic potion because it is essential to have a regular intake for it to be effective.

Saffron in Eastern Medicinecures  Arthritis , Impotence , Infertility. carotenoids, hepatitis, Acne,Asthma & Cough,

Here is list of a few uses that saffron is put to in medicine as a cure and as a preventive. The list by no means exhaustive and is just to give you an idea of the usefulness of this exotic herb.

Saffron in Ayurveda
Saffron in Unani Medicine
Curing Asthma & CoughUsed in medicines that reduce inflammation
Useful in ColdsFor treatment of enlarged Liver and infection of Urinary Bladder and Kidneys
To treat AlcoholismAs an ingredient in recipes useful in Menstrual disorders
To treat Acne and Skin Diseases.
For strengthening the heart and as a refrigerant for the brain
 As a diuretic if soaked overnight in water and administered with honey
 Pounded with clarified butter (Ghee) it is used for treating diabetic patients.

Saffron has been found to be the richest source of riboflavin . Due to presence of crocetin it indirectly helps to reduce cholesterol level in the blood and severity of atherosclerosis, thus reducing the chances of heart attacks. It may be one of the prime reasons that in Spain, where Saffron is consumed liberally, incidence of cardio-vascular diseases is quite low

The researchers suggest that the next endeavor resulting from the promising study is to determine which components in saffron contain the vision-repairing elements. The specific ingredients are not readily apparent, but the spice has enjoyed much acclaim for many centuries.

Saffron seems to have some anti-cancer potential. Mouse studies showed that saffron can inhibit the growth of some types of skin cancer, as well as another type of tumor called sarcoma. Its anti-cancer properties come from a certain carotenoid called crocetin that's abundant in saffron and has strong anti-oxidant properties. Being so rich in carotenoid, it's not surprising that fresh saffron has the potential for preventing and treating certain types of cancer.

Hepatitis Cure at any stage including hepatitis -C

There is a cure for hepatitis in Saffron spice. Take a one centimeter piece of saffron and place it in a plate made of clay fill the plate with water and leave it overnight to soak in the plate. Drink the water in the morning. Repeat this for 15 days and any type of hepatitis including Hepatitis-C will return to normal at any stage. Even near death people have fully recovered with the grace of God.



Better sleep,improves mood and fights depression.

Saffron uses

 Preliminary studies suggest this culinary spice is helpful in treating mood disorders incuding depression and anxiety at a dose of 50 mg Saffron twice daily.


Weight loss

Improves appetite and helps loose weight,

Saffron uses

it's been used in various countries to treat skin disease, respiratory issues, poor vision, pain, mental illness, gynecological problems, erectile dysfunction, and infections.



Fights Cancer

Improves immunity and helps fight cancer..

Macular Degenration

Age related macular degenration is helped by Saffron.