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 Nutrition and Prostate Cancer

Does good nutrition really make a difference on your risk of developing prostate cancer? The old saying “you are what you eat” may well sum up the answer! There are some risk factors you cannot change. Age, family history, and race are all-important components to consider when assessing risk factors for cancer. One or all can play an important role on your chances of developing cancer.

Age is the leading factor in your risk in developing prostate cancer. The older you are the more likely you re to having prostate problems. Under the age of forty you have a one in ten thousand chance of developing this disease. After the age of 40 your risk rate goes up dramatically. Statistics say that 90 percent of men over the age of 70 will develop prostate problems or prostate cancer. African-American men have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer and those men who have a close male relative with the disease are at increased risk.

Although age is a risk factor for prostate cancer there are other things that can influence your risk. Your diet and lifestyle can reduce or increase your risk of developing prostate cancer. The body has natural defenses built in to stop good cells from turning into cancer and to slow the growth of cells that are cancerous. Researchers found you could decrease your chances of developing prostate cancer by taking in some specific nutrients. Changes in diet may reduce the risk of prostate cancer but will have the added benefit of helping with other chronic diseases such as heart disease.

Obesity is seen as a problem in the United States. The population is growing fatter every year and in 2002 it was estimated that 65 percent of all Americans were overweight or obese! Though there is no distinct link between obesity and prostate cancer there is a definite reason to believe that obesity can impact the outcome of treatment for prostate cancer. Researchers find that obese men may have a false PSA reading and result in a delay in diagnosis and treatment of this disease.

Weight management and good nutrition should be a part of your overall health. Increase your intake of vegetables and avoid high fat foods such as salad dressings and high fat sauces. It is important to exercise regularly. You should exercise for 30 minutes a day at least three times a week. It will help burn calories, raise your metabolism, and help keep you limber and flexible. Weight resistance training is also helpful but the most important step is to get out of your chair and get moving. Take a walk, work in your garden, play tennis or golf, or play with your grandchildren, just move your body!

Working weight management, good nutrition, and exercise in your daily routine may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and many common, but serious medical conditions. If you are unable to decide what a healthy diet is for you, contact your doctor or a professional nutritionist to help you develop a new, healthy eating pattern.

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