Autoimmune diseases


Canola Oil may boost heart disease risk

Matthew Clayfield |August 15, 2012 see  |Toxic Canola

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Rape Seed Oil or "Canola" Lear oil? return to previous page

Canola oil usage

Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil - Low Erucic Acid, Rape. Industry experts love to tell how canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering, i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape seed, but "canola" instead. ["Canadian oil", get it?]
They love to talk about canola"s qualities - its unsaturated structure (Omega 3, 6, 12), its wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They turn us against naturally saturated oils and fats, while they come to the rescue with canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to its distinctive flavor. Isn"t it wonderful how internationalists brokers "help" third-world peoples? Reminds me of the introduction of the microwave oven.
An earthly expression from the Old West sums up the flimflam accompanying rape oil"s rebirth and promotion worldwide: "horseshit and gun smoke!". Its new name provided the perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to make billions in the United States. The euphemism is still very much in use, but is no longer needed. Look at the ingredients list on peanut butter labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil.
"Rapeseed oil smoke causes lung cancer"  Amal Kumar Maj.  The Wall Street Journal June 7, 1995, pB6(W) pB6 (E) col 1(11 col in) more
Chemical Warfare
Rape oil is also the source of the infamous chemical-warfare agent , mustard gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands of solders and civilians during WW1. Recent French reports indicate that it was again used during the gulf.
Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard (rape) seed was irradiated in Sweden to increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the process the experts want use to make our food "safe" to eat. Genetically engineered fruits and vegetables - which will soon have innocent things like hepatitis-B spliced into their DNA - are another example of man"s misuses of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and "head-in-the-sand" watchdog agencies.*8*
Canola oil contains large amounts of "isothiocyanates" - cyanide-containing compounds. Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria. ATP energy powers the body and keeps us healthy and young !
Canola Oil and Metabolism
Many substances can bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the body. In biochemistry, theses substances are called inhibitors.
Toxic substances in canola and soy oils encourage the formation of molecules with covalent bonds which are normally irreversible: They cannot be broken by the body once they have formed.
For example, consider the pesticide malathion.*9* It binds to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this enzyme from doing its job, which is to divide acetylcholine into choline and acetate.

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