Herbs for male issues PART-3a
This herb from Mexico has been used by both men and women to enhance and regulate the production of sex hormones. It is considered a potent aphrodisiac. "Chemically this plant has been found to contain several alkaloids that directly stimulate the sex organs? Native Mexican women have long drunk an infusion of the herb a couple of hours before retiring to prime themselves for their men. It is reputed to induce erotic dreams when drunk at bedtime." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993]
Damiana leaves for tea or making tincture, or tincture already prepared, is available at most health food stores.
Muira Puama
Found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, Muira Puama has long been used "to stimulate sensuality, as a sexual enhancer, and as a treatment for impotence and frigidity?[it] appears to be milder and without the side effects of [yohimbe]." [Source: Love Potions, Cynthia Mervis Watson, M.D., Jeremy P. Tarcher/Perigee, 1993] It is considered effective in restoring libido and treating erectile dysfunction.
For an aphrodisiac drink, mix 2 ounces each of damiana and muira puama tinctures in your favorite adult punch (20 serving size). Muira puama may or may not be available at your local health food store. In the U.S. it is available in tincture and capsule form. Check with the suppliers listed at the end of this article for mail order.
Natural Progesterone Cream (For Women)
Progesterone plays many roles in the body, one of them is maintaining sex drive. It is particularly important for women in the menopausal cycle. Natural progesterone is identical to what your body produces. It is derived from diosgenin in the wild Mexican yam. Natural progesterones are more biologically active and safer than their unnatural counterparts.
Progesterone is a small fat-soluble molecule, which can be easily absorbed through the skin. It is initially absorbed into the fat layers under the skin, then is diffused into the capillaries where it enters the blood stream as needed. This makes transdermal progesterone 100% bioavailable to the body. In contrast, oral supplementation of progesterone has to be taken in very high dosages to compensate for the almost 90% which will be excreted by the liver.
Use 1/4 to 3/4 teaspoon in the morning, applied to the softer parts of the body (for better absorption). Rotate the application spot on a daily basis. Because natural progesterone is identical to the body's own progesterone there are no known side effects at 20-40 mg/day. Very large dosages can result in feelings of sleepiness. Available by mail order from suppliers listed.
A supplement derived from diosgenin, the Mexican yam extract, pregnenolone is the building block for all other hormones. Produced by the body's adrenal glands, Pregnenolone may be one of our most important hormones because it seems to have a balancing effect in bringing the levels of other hormones up or down as needed. Pregnenolone is a direct precursor of both DHEA and progesterone. Pregnenolone levels dramatically drop after age 30. Research indicates that restoration of Pregnenolone to levels of healthy young adults may have dramatic positive effects on memory, mood and energy, and sexual function. Pregnenolone can be taken once daily in the morning on an empty stomach to mimic the body's normal rhythm. Recommended dosage: 10-100 mg per day. Adjust the dosage to your needs. Safety has been long established-it was used for arthritis treatment back in the 40s at very high doses with no apparent side effects.
It is available at most health food stores and can be ordered via mail.
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