Migraines in Celaic disease
NEW YORK ( Health) - Recent study findings suggest that Migraine may be misdiagnosed and in reality is Celiac Disease.

The following study shows that a sign fact number of migraine patients have CD. These patients are helped by a gluten free diet.
Department of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Gemelli Hospital, Rome, Italy.
OBJECTIVES: Subclinical celiac disease (CD) has been associated with various neurological disorders, the most common being neuropathy and cerebellar ataxia. The aims of the present study were to assess the following: 1) the prevalence of CD in patients affected by migraine; whether there are regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities in migraine patients with CD compared to migraine patients without CD; and 3)the effects of a gluten free diet in migraine patients with CD.
METHODS: A total of 90 patients affected by idiopathic migraine were enrolled, and 236 blood donors were used as controls. To test a blood test of Serum IgG antitransglutaminase (TgA) and IgA antiendomysial (EmA) were measured. In positive cases, diagnosis was confirmed by endoscopy.
A gluten free diet was started in the patients diagnosed with CD, who were followed for 6 months.
A single photon emission CT brain study was performed before and after a gluten free diet
. RESULTS: Four of 90 migraine patients were found to have CD compared with 0.4% ( blood donor controls (p < 0.05).
During the 6 months of gluten free diet,one of the four patients had no migraine attacks, and the remaining three patients experienced an improvement in frequency, duration, and intensity of migraine.
Single photon emission CT studies showed a regional baseline reduction in brain tracer uptake in all four patients. Such reduction in uptake completely resolved at follow-up.
Our results suggest that a significant proportion of patients with migraine may have CD, and that a gluten free diet may lead to a improvement in the migraine in these patients.
BACKGROUND: About 2.5% of patients with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy or idiopathic dysautonomia have underlying celiac disease (CD). Antibodies to ganglioside have been reported in CD patients with neuropathy. No data are so far available on the presence in CD of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies. Muscle AChR antibodies are found in patients with myasthenia gravis, and ganglionic AChR antibodies in patients with autoimmune autonomic neuropathy.