Autoimmune Diseases Web



by:Clark, Hulda, Ph.D., N.D.  


Your first step toward curing your fatigue syndrome is to kill all parasites of the pancreas, liver, adrenals and thyroid. Use a zapper. Remove all metal from your mouth. Avoid food moulds. Take at least 3 gm. of vitamin C per day to help both the liver and adrenals, and take B2 and B6 to help the adrenals and kidneys.


The solvents xylene and toluene are common brain solvents always seen in M.S. cases. Xylene and toluene are industrial solvents used in paint and thinners. They are also a pollutant of certain carbonated beverages. Stop drinking them. All M.S. cases I have seen harbour fluke parasites and Shigella bacteria in the brain or spinal cord. Make sure to sterilize dairy products to remove bacteria. The other pollutant associated with M.S. is mercury from dental metal. Some of it travels up to the brain. The mercury may itself be polluted with thallium which is even more toxic.


High blood pressure is one of the easiest problems to correct without using drugs. The most important change to make is to stop using caffeine in coffee, tea or carbonated beverages. Don't use decaffeinated coffee or tea because of the solvent pollution in them. If being without caffeine leaves you fatigued, take a 500 mg. arginine tablet in the morning. Blood pressure is mainly controlled by the adrenal glands and they may be polluted by cadmium. Search for the cadmium source in your drinking water since cadmium comes from metal pipes. Then cleanse the kidneys.


The strongest part of our body structure is our bones and the strongest bones are our teeth. In Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Dr. Weston Price of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, described primitive societies whose staple foods included fish daily. They had perfect teeth and strong bones that didn't break even once in a lifetime. He estimated a daily consumption of 4 to 5 grams of calcium in their fish containing diet, as well as plenty of phosphate, boron and other bone builders obtained simply from eating fish bones. Our daily diet of less than one gram of calcium daily is small by comparison. Bone powder added back to ground meat soups and stews could greatly improve our tooth decay and bone density problems. Softened teeth set the stage for decay; bacteria do the dirty work. Zapping bacteria does not kill them all. It does not reach into abscesses under metal filled teeth or around root canals. This is a job for the dentist.


Asthma is associated in all cases (100%) with tiny Ascaris larvae. If there is an asthmatic in your family, the whole family should be treated for Ascaris with a zapper or with the herbal parasite remedies. Asthma suffers become allergic to many air pollutants such as pollen, animal dander and smoke. Clean the air. Smoke of any kind, fragrances and chemicals, all household cleaners, polishes, hair spray and nail polish and all toxic substances should be removed. Use a chlorine filter for water especially in the shower. Lungs heal quickly when the air is clean. The best place to recover is outdoors away from trees and bushes, or indoors in a totally pollution free home. Traditional herbs for helping the lungs are comfrey, garlic and mullein. Grow your own comfrey and garlic if possible.

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