Nerve physiology

Axonal  Polyneuropathy changes in EMG

EMG/NCV section Learn about the Brain Learn about nerves Nerve Fibers conduction described in detail  below.

Nerve Physiology-5 Myelinated Neuron

Myelinated Nerve cell

Neurons with myelin (or myelinated neurons) conduct impulses much faster than those without myelin.

Myelin is a round sheet around the Axon.

To see the histology of

Myelin see this page

MyelinSchwann cells are located at regular intervals along the process (axons and, for some neurons, dendrites) & so a section of a myelinated axon would look like this:

Please go to next page for Nerve physiology


Autoimmune cause

Key words : action, potential, nerve, membrane, depolarizes, negative, electron;