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Cancer alternative


Link to simple protocol of Regans Cancer treatment ALTERNATIVE CANCER THERAPIES by:Moss, Ralph, Ph.D.

Ralph Moss is the former assistant director of Public Affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.


In 1974, I was hired by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, the world's largest private cancer center. Shortly after I was hired, I visited one of their scientists, Kanematsu Sugiura who was researching amygdalin, which is another name for laetrile. Although he had been getting positive results using laetrile in the treatment of cancer, we in public affairs were handing out a brochure to the public saying that laetrile was a quack remedy, and that we had no evidence that it was effective even though Dr. Sugiura had found that laetrile stopped or slowed the growth of small tumours and dramatically decreased the spread of cancer from the breast to the lungs in laboratory mice. So I was really amazed by this and continued to investigate it. To make a long story short, after 3 1/2 years, the more positive Dr. Sugiura's results, the more negative were the statements we were being asked to give out in public affairs, until in 1976, we were instructed to give out a statement saying that we had found laetrile negative in all animal systems that we had tested. It was an outright lie and I refused to do this and eventually in 1977, stood up at a press conference, made these charges, and was fired on the next day. 



Many of the alternative treatments and preventatives for cancer are things that you've heard about. These are vitamins and minerals, and the most important ones are vitamins A, C and E, and the mineral selenium. These are anti-oxidants. They are free-radical scavengers, and demonstrate a power against the formation of cancer and probably in the treatment of cancer as well. They are non-toxic. Vitamin A is non-toxic in the beta-carotene form. Vitamin C has been proposed by Linus Pauling in megadoses ranging up to 20, 30 or even 40 grams of C in the treatment of cancer. Of course, there has been a lot of criticism of his work with vitamin C such as the studies done at the Mayo Clinic, but there are flaws in those studies.


There are herbs used in the treatment of cancer that seem to show particular efficacy in both prevention and treatment, and these are referred to in my book, as well as resources for obtaining them. For instance, there is aloe, astragalus, ayurveda, chaparral, Chinese herbs, Essiac, garlic, ginseng, green tea, Hoxsey treatment, Kampo, Pau d'Arco, and spices like turmeric. Astragalus is a very exciting herb. It is a relative of the pea plant and has shown to be effective in treating cancer.

Here in Canada, of course, there is a world famous treatment for cancer, Essiac. When I come to Canada, there are always two or three people who come to me with very convincing stories about how they were cured of cancer with Essiac. Essiac is very interesting. It was first advocated by a nurse here in Ontario named Rene Caisse. Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards. She got it from a woman who claimed she had been cured of breast cancer with this mixture by a native American Indian healer. So Rene Caisse then began using this treatment in Bracebridge, Ontario. It was a secret remedy, and it's only been in fairly recent time that the formula has come out publicly and there are now a number of competing products on the market, each of them claiming to be the real Essiac. One of the herbs in this formula was burdock. Burdock is a very interesting herb. It's available in most health food stores and it's a root. It's that nasty plant in the fields that has cockleburs which stick to your clothing. Burdock for a common weed has some remarkable medical properties. It's eaten in Japan where it's called gobo and it's quite tasty. It has a sort of turnip-like flavour. It is favoured in the macrobiotic diet , when doctors in Japan who had no knowledge of Essiac had found this substance to be effective, it makes you think that maybe there was empirically some value to this substance. We have another herbal remedy in the U.S. (actually today it's available in Mexico) called the Hoxsey treatment, and it's a similar story. Hoxsey got his formula from his father, who got it by watching a horse cure itself of cancer by eating different plants in the fields, which is not as absurd an idea as it sounds. In 1950, the Food and Drug Administration forced Harry Hoxsey to divulge his formula, and lo and behold, one of the ten items in his formula was burdock.


There are a great many immunological treatments for cancer that are generally not publicized because a lot of them rely on individualizing either a vaccine or a treatment for the person's own body, and medicine, like everything else in our society, is a mass produced product. Some of these treatments are in my book. Let me give you a couple of astounding stories about immunological treatments. The first one is my favourite and that is Coley's toxins. Coley was the chief of bone surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in the 1890s. He had a patient who recovered from cancer after he had come down from a high fever which had been caused by a toxin. Coley started to treat people with the toxin which was a by-product of a bacteria and not infectious. He received tremendous results with this.


Hydrazine sulfate is a common industrial chemical which was first proposed as a cancer treatment in the early 1970s by Joseph Gold, M.D. of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute. He suggested that by cutting off a tumour's supply of new glucose in the liver, the drug could help starve the tumour. This in turn would stop cancer from preferentially depleting the body's energy and put an end to cachexia, the terrible wasting process that appears in the final stages of the disease. It is not necessarily a cure for advanced cancer, but it's extremely important for cachexia which is a very big cause of death in cancer patients.


Scientists have discovered that shark's cartilage fights cancer by interfering with the tumour's ability to create a network of new blood vessels. Tumours, like normal tissue, need blood to provide nutrients and oxygen and to get rid of toxic wastes. Cut off a tumour's blood supply and you can cut off its growth. I have heard amazing anecdotal stories about shark cartilage including its use in the treatment of arthritis. A lot of people are undermedicating with it. They are taking the dosage that is recommended on some of the bottles and this will not give an anti-cancer effect.


Stanislaw Burzynski discovered antineoplastons in 1967 while a graduate student in Poland. Antineoplastons are found in normal blood and urine, but appear to be deficient in cancer patients. This is an anti-tumour agent that is non-toxic and seems to make malignant cancer ]cells revert to normal. I'm not a medical doctor, and I don't give medical advice, but from my examination of the field as a whole, the best therapy that I know of and number 1 on our list for evaluation is the antineoplaston therapy of Stanislaw Berzynski in Houston, Texas. Berzynski's treatment is very effective for brain cancer and has had astounding successes in cases of lymphoma.

July-1 -2021
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