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Benefits of Fennel herb

Benefits of Fennel herb Fennel is a important herb grown  in Middle east region which gained popularity all over the world. Description of Fennel herb   link to Ansiseed

Fennel seeds  in Indian restaurant are always avaliable , they usually offer you a bowl of fennel seeds to munch on either as a before-dinner treat or as a dessert on your way out the door. Fennel seeds are quite tasty! Fennel acts in the body like an estrogen dose, and studies have shown that eating fennel will help a breastfeeding mother express her milk better. It also helps to regulate menstruation for the same reason. Many doctors recommend that pregnant women take fennel because it will alter the already changing balance of hormones in the body. Its part of all breast growing pills as it increases estrogen.

   is an edible,  herb which resembles dill. It was discovered in the Mid world region from south-east Asia (from Morroco, Portugal all the way to Pakistan). The biggest growers of fennel  are: the United States, France, India and Russia

The whole fennel seed plant can be used for different purposes, like for example in cooking, fennel is a member of the parsley family which has a feathery leaves that are usually used as flavoring. Fennel seed is commonly used in Fish dishes, perhaps it is one of the most spices in Italian sausage and salami. They are used to flavor breads, cakes and other baked goods.

Fennel seeds are 2-5 cm long, thin and slightly curved with colors that vary from brown to light green. The bittersweet smell and the slightly minty taste make this herb similar to anise.

Proprieties and benefits of Fennel It is believed  that this herb has vitalistic characters. . Likewise, it was believed that this herb has a rejuvenating effect on man and helps the eye sight. Moreover, fennel stimulates lactation and loss of weight. The consumption in excessive quantities of fennel is not indicated because it can lead to convulsions and  hallucinations.

   Fennel contains many minerals and vitamins:  vitamins, fibers, manganese, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin B3 etc. The vitamin C from the bulb of the plant is antibacterial and very useful to the immune system. Furthermore the fennel bulb is an important source of fibers which help reduce the cholesterol level. Also, the fibers from this herb can prevent intestinal cancer owing to the fact that they can eliminate toxins and cancerous substances from intestines. The herb is rich in potasium - an essential mineral which helps decrease the high blood pressure that can cause a heart attack.

   Fennel seeds, leaves and roots are edible, but the fat extracted from the fennel seeds was proved to be toxic even in small quantities - leading to skin rashes, breathing problems and nausea Mixtures and treatments Owing to the invigorating and purifying effects that fennel has over the human body, it can be used in treating bruises, cellulitis, obesity, retaining water, eliminating the toxins from the body, halitosis, inflamations of the mouth. Fennel helps eliminate the common cold and reduce the bouts of cough due to its expectorant nature (contains big quantity of alpha-pinen). The steam resulting from the boiling of the fennel leaves in water alleviates asthma and bronchitis.