Schizophrenia autoimmune disorder

The word "schizophrenia" refers to one of the disease of the brain or psyche the symptoms of this illness varies in its severity from individual to individual.

Schizophrenia is a diseases in which the attacks come in waves sometimes the disease is better and at other times worse. This is typical of all autoimmune diseases. This is also called remitting and relapsing diseases.


Symptoms start as a tense feeling , can't concentrate or sleep, and withdraws socially. There is a change in the patient's personality . The ability to perform is affected, appearance and social relationships deteriorate. Bizarre symptoms and peculiar behavior is seen, patient begins talking in nonsense. This is the beginning of psychosis.  Schizophrenia seems to worsen and become better in cycles known as relapse and remission, respectively. At times, people suffering from schizophrenia appear relatively normal. However, during the acute or psychotic phase, people with schizophrenia cannot think logically and may lose all sense of who they and others are. They suffer from delusions, hallucinations or disordered thinking and speech.

Some Numbers

Schizophrenia affects men and women equally, however its onset in women is typically five years later than with men. About 150 of every 100,000 persons will develop schizophrenia. Though it is a relatively rare illness, its early age of onset and the lifelong disability, emotional and financial devastation it brings to its victims and their families make schizophrenia one of the most catastrophic mental illnesses. Schizophrenia fills more hospital beds than almost any other illness, and Federal figures reflect the cost of schizophrenia to be from $30 billion to $48 billion in direct medical costs, lost productivity and Social Security pensions.

Theories About Causes

Schizophrenia is similar in several respects to "autoimmune" illnesses -disorders like multiple sclerosis (MS) and Lupus(S.L.E.), caused when the body's immune system attacks itself. Like the autoimmune diseases, schizophrenia is not present at birth but develops during adolescence or young adulthood. It comes and goes in cycles of remission and relapse, and it runs in families. Because of these similarities, scientists suspect schizophrenia  falls into the autoimmune category.

Some scientists think genetics, autoimmune illness and viral infections combine to cause schizophrenia. Genes determine the body's immune reaction to viral infection. Instead of stopping when the infection is over, the genes tell the body's immune system to continue its attack on a specific part of the body. This is similar to the theories about arthritis, in which the immune system is thought to attack the joints.

Finally, some scientists suspect a viral infection during pregnancy. Many people suffering from schizophrenia were born in late winter or early spring. That timing means their mothers may have suffered from a slow virus during the winter months of their pregnancy. The virus could have infected the baby to produce pathological changes over many years after birth. Coupled with a genetic vulnerability, a virus could trigger schizophrenia.


To fully recover from a autoimmune condition IVIg can be used and you will not need any psychiatric medication and full recovery will follow.

In places where IVIg is not available steroids  can be used in herbal medicine Turmeric can be used. Vitamin D 5000 units is a must take and Gluten free diet must be tried.

Its best to search for Viral infection like herpes antibodies and then treat the condition with antiviral for full recovery.

Today the disease is called anti NMDA encephalitis read the link for detailed info.

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