Our Mission

Imagination Pre Schools mission is   to provide highest quality of educational and developmental services for your child in a safe   secure and caring environment. Teaching the children that learning is fun, rewarding and exciting. A lifetime of success begins at imagination.

In the first 5 years of life a child has a potential to  learns 7000 words.

We teach them to become problem solvers.

School Activities




Story time





Outdoor play







 Imaginations (Pre School System) ................Town Lahore This school is not operational was shut down    

 Lahore tele ........  (Light years ahead of other schools)  

Imaginations prepare students for Aitchison College, Convent of Jesus and Mary and all other Grammar schools. Imaginations provide  students with a friendly environment and allow them to be creative. We strongly believe in developing the child's imagination through Art and Craft, story telling, reading, music, computer and group work. We help them develop their social skills, and work on their character building.

The goal  for Imagination Pre-School to be a peaceful pleasant, friendly secure place for your children. The kids should become eager to attend school , where they will learn and have fun. The happiness of each child is of important to us. The staff  through our curriculum, provide each child with a positive self-image and a strong beginning toward independence. With this base, your child will grow both educationally and socially.



Values the 3 ‘Ls’ to become Leaders

At Imaginations Kindergarten we do  have  shared values in which we believe. We expect everything to be conducted consistently with these points. Staff follows the values rather than imposing rules.

The values are:

  • Love for all, everything
  • Living politely avoiding aggressive behavior
  • Learning in a teamwork environment
 we offer remote consultations with USA physicians for any medical issues

Love for others is about taking care for others. Imaginations cares about the children. Imaginations shows concern for the children’s learning, security and growth. Imaginations treat the children with love and warmth. ‘Love’ is the right word. Imaginations expect children to learn to love each other. When they care for each other then they do not tease or hurt their feelings.  They become a family and learn to care for their feelings.

 Living  gently is about treating everything around with respect. That is universal respect. We share in the task of carefully putting things away and keeping resources in good condition. Children learn to return books to the library, or to close farm doors behind them, and so on. When children are excited or have lots of physical energy, we make them expend their energy with a physical workout..

Imaginations  ensures a gentle and peaceful environment in which children feel secure to  flourish. Gentleness is a way in which staff communicate with children there is no physical punishment.

Learning together is important. The children  learn  from observation, our staff  at Imaginations observes and learns about the frame of mind of the children. We track down their deficiencies and provide positive solutions. We find their positives and multiply them. . As staff we learn from the children too-all the time.  Modern way of life is team work. We encourage and teach teamwork.

Parents appreciate our values are different from a fixed set of rules to control behavior from without. We introduce flexible ways of teamwork, technology, learning and fun activities which turns your baby into a future leader.



 contact cidpusa if this school becomes operational again