Autoimmune diseases


MULTIPLE Sclerosis

autoimmune disease please read our e-book

MS Treatment Protocol

.TREATMENT FOR MS :   acupuncture and MS

Recommended Treatment Schedule

Our treatment schedule part-2 continued from -page-1

6) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): A deficiency of vitamin B2 in young animals results in inhibition of growth terminated by death. The yellow enzyme can, as demonstrated by Warburg and Christian, participate in a series of enzyme reactions involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is capable of transporting hydrogen from reduced coenzyme II, a niacin coenzyme which attacks hexosemonophosphate, regenerating the riboflavin phosphate-protein complex.  It is classified as a low-energy package. 40mg to 80mg given daily by needle I.M. 25 mg. before meals and bed time.

7) Vitamin E as d-alpha Tocopherol acetate of d-alpha Tocopherol acid succinate. The latter is more practical since it is a pure form. Complex biochemical changes in the muscle tissue in chrome vitamin E deficiency are followed by histalogical lesions characteristic of muscular dystrophy. Deficiency has also been shown to produce demyelinization and distortion of the axon pattern in the spinal cord, giving rise to hypalgesia and progressive paresis. Fatal massive liver necrosis occurs in animals maintained on diets low in vitamin E and sulfur-containing amino acids. 800 international units before meals and bedtime must be adhered to in this treatment.

8) Crude liver: This substance contains factors still unknown but essential in metabolism. patients with pernicious anemia often show neurological involvement, and are tremendously benefitted by liver injections which, of course, contain vitamin B12. Degenerative changes brought on by other factors, therefore, can also be benefitted by daily injections of crude liver.

9) Adenosine-5-Monophosphoric acid: One of the purine bases occurring in muscle is adenne. It, along with other purines, exists in various forms. Adenosine polyphosphate is of primary interest in this discussion.  ATP, is the energy package essential for life. By adding this to our treatment, we enhance all chemistry dealing with cell metabolism.

10) Choline: Choline is a structural component of fat and nerve tissue, thus has a strong relationship to the phospholipids and to its acetyl ester. Acetylcholine plays an important role in the humoral transmission of parasympathetic and other nerve impulses to effector organs. It also plays a part in transmethylation. We give 700mg to 1400mg after each meal and at bed hour.

11) Lecithin: Lecithin is the glyceryl ester of a pair of fatty acids and a substituted phosphoric acid group attached to a choline radical. “Choline” is one of the products of lecithin, representing about 15% of the molecule. Lecithin placed in water and observed under the microscope, will diffuse out, forming long, curving strands (myelin forms). It is the lipid used in nerve tissue. We give 1200 mg. Soybean Lecithin after each meal.

12) Magnesium: 100mg. after each meal to supply additional ions for muscle activity. It is an enzyme activator.

13) Calcium Gluconate (10 grain tablets): We give two tablets after each meal and at bed hour to supplement dietary intake for muscle activity. At times, this is given intravenously, one gram twice weekly.

14) Calcium panthotenate: The physiologically active form of pantothenic acid is coenyzme A. Its acetyl derivative (acetyl CoA) is synonymous with active acetate. The pantothenic cid coenzyme plays a vital role in carbohydrate metabolism and acetyl transfer also occurs in the metabolism of fatty acids. We give 200 mg. after each meal and at bed hour.

15) Aminoacetic acid (glycine): Glycine enters into a variety of metabolic functions. It is directly concerned in the synthesis of glutathione, the tripeptide which plays an important part in intracellular oxidation and reduction.More than one hundred substances, when fed, are joined in the body with glycine. One heaping tablespoon of the powder in a glass of milk four times each day. Much of the oral medication can be taken with this drink.

16) Make certain that the hemoglobin is at least 13 grams.

17) High protein diet with two to three eggs or breakfast.

18) One Theragram-M cap. daily for trace minerals.

19) Dantrium has value for relieving intentional tremor and Symmetrel for relieving stiffness in Multiple Sclerosis. Dose must be individualized.

20) Zinc gluconate: 10 mg. three times each day has some value in Myasthenia Gravis. Take several hours after vitamin B2.

continue to page -3

Multiple sclerosis treatment by vitamins.

Multiple sclerosis triggered by Celica is fully reversible with diet.

Multiple sclerosis aspartame

Multiple sclerosis alternative guide


John Martin is a long-time health journalist and an editor for Priority Healthcare. His credits include overseeing health news coverage for the website of Fox Television's The Health Network, and articles for the New York Post and other consumer and trade publications.

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