CIDPUSA.ORG Autoimmune diseases

Current medical alternative treatments.

Alopecia Guide

Reverse hair loss



January 15, 2008 -- IT'S not just a problem for men. More than ever, women are losing hair - and seeking treatment for it.

I know, I know. The mere possibility of hair loss is something most women don't even want to con sider. But the more informed you are, the more you'll be able to deal with it if it happens to you.

So what causes this type of hair loss?Its Autoimmune & celiac disease related.

Alopecia areata is a condition estimated to afflict about 1 in every 1,000 people; it's a hair disorder that affects both children and adults. Studies indicate that men and women are equally affected. The usual adult age of onset is between ages 20 and 50, but really, it can occur at any age. Celiac disease is a common cause of hair loss please see that link.

There's an undeniable social stigma that comes with baldness, especially for women. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that sufferers have allegedly lost their jobs because of hair loss, while others have been accused of being members of extremist cults. And in some cases, children have even been moved from mainstream classes to special-education classes because of their appearance.

Alopecia areata is characterized by the sudden appearance of round patches of hair loss. Two other stages follow, as the patches become larger, and eventually there is a growth of replacement hair in the original bald spot. This three-stage process takes place over months, sometimes extending up until a year, and rarely does it exceed more than two years.

The exact cause of alopecia is autoimmune secondary to a infection, but it's not contagious, nor is it caused by the foods people consume.

Research suggests there stress may  be contributing factors, such as a change in the immunologic system.

The condition often occurs alongside other medical problems like eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis. Usually may happen while travelling or during pregnancy.

Alopecia hair falling prevention tips are listed here. Treatment for this condition depends on the extent of hair loss and the patient's age. Topical medications applied to the scalp are very effective, and in more difficult cases, cortisone injections are used to stimulate hair regrowth..

The prognosis is generally very good, provided that the patient seeks medical attention at the earliest sign of hair loss.

If you are in a attack take Omega-3 right away and the anti-inflammatory effect will help you.

A oil such as coconut rubbed in your hair helps and should be done daily. Stop using soaps shampoos' and start to use boric acid powder or baking soda to clean your hair the alkaline atmosphere will induce healing and hair growth.

Chemicals in shampoo and too much hair dye hurts the hair follicles , you should dry your hair with a towel not a drier.

The natural treatments that we have described are very successful and will help you heal naturally.


Q.Links for Alopecia ?

  1. Alopecia treatment
  2. Bald Facts
  3. Alopecia
  4. Areata Alopecia
  5. Hair chemicals
  6. Hair Growth