by: Fallon, Sally, M.A|August 15, 2012 return to Oil page

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LOW CHOLESTEROL LINKED TO INCREASED RATES OF CANCER The next study was called the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial, done on 362,000 men, testing their cholesterol levels related to heart disease. They found a very trivial increase in the rate of deaths from coronary heart disease as the rate of serum cholesterol went up. They also found the same thing which had been found in many other studies, thatwhen your cholesterol levels are too low, the rate of death from other diseases, particularly cancer, goes way up. With cholesterol levels below 160, there was a greater rate of death from cancer, intestinal diseases, violence, suicide, increased depression. So it isn't a very fair trade off.

The final major study that is used to justify the lipid hypothesis was the Lipid Research Clinics Trial. Once again, Fred Matson from Proctor and Gamble held two very important positions in designing this research and the way it was presented to the public. These studies didn't study whether a low cholesterol, low fat diet would help you. All the subjects were on a low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet. One was given a cholesterol lowering drug and one was given a placebo. Researchers claimed that the group taking the drug had a 17% reduction in the rate of coronary heart disease. But independent researchers including Mary Ennig at the University of Maryland found no difference in coronary heart disease between the drug group and the placebo group. Once again they found thatthose who had lowered their cholesterol by using the drugs had an increase in deaths from cancer, stroke, violence and suicide. Nevertheless, this study was presented in the media as the long sought proof that animal fat was the cause of heart disease, though it proved nothing of the sort.

In 1984, we had the Cholesterol Consensus Conference. In their report they defined all Americans with cholesterol between 200 and 300 as "at risk". As we saw earlier, there is no increase in coronary heart disease between these two levels. There is no difference in risk or rate or anything else. But they defined 200 as this magic point where you are at risk. They called for mass cholesterol screening and recommended a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol for at risk Americans. One very specific suggestion in this report was that Americans replace butter with margarine. Don't forget that Fred Matson of Proctor and Gamble who makes hydrogenation equipment and hydrogenated fats was behind all of this work.

FAT FOR CHILDREN One of the most serious things to come out of this program was the recommendation that the low cholesterol diet be given to all Americans above the age of two. But children need a lot of fat in their diet. Mother's milk is 55% fat and it is mostly saturated fat. It is extremely high in cholesterol, and it has a special enzyme that helps the baby absorb the cholesterol. That is how important cholesterol is for the growing child. Studies of children put on this low fat, low cholesterol diet show failure to thrive. They do not grow the way they are supposed to on this low fat diet. Children need more fat than adults right through their growing years, right up to the age of 18 or 20 because fat and cholesterol are very important for the development of the brain and nervous system.

Basically, the experts disagree with the lipid hypothesis. George Mann who worked in the Framingham study said the public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century. Here is what has caused the health care crisis: The ingredients are greed, cunning, ignorance, lies, envy, extortion, manipulation and fraud. The agenda is that you conspire to convince the populace that natural whole foods that have nourished mankind for thousands and thousands of years are dangerous and unhealthy, and that they cause heart disease and cancer so that the populace will buy the new fabricated foods which you are selling. Then you train the medical profession to advocate antibiotics, vaccinations, fluoride and fabricated foods as scientifically proven methods for preventing illness. You ignore and suppress healing methods that have worked for centuries, you claim that real diseases have no cure, and you define normal human conditions such as menopause and average cholesterol levels as illness that must be treated with expensive drugs which create serious side effects. 

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