

The problem is that external signals like the radio frequency signals of HAARP, and any electromagnetic signals from light and sound waves that can be pulsed in this ELF range will cause the brain to begin to lock onto that external signal and begin to mirror it. When it does so, it changes the character and chemistry of the brain during that period of time and your behaviour changes. Early researchers have claimed that these ELF concentrations of energy are harmless, but over the last 20 years, researchers have recognized that very low energy concentrations can have profound physiological effects. The military rationalizes that HAARP instruments broadcast the signal in the ELF range and this is a very, very low level of electromagnetic radiation by the time it gets back to the earth, that it is nothing to worry about, that it is about equal to what the earth naturally produces. They compare it to things like the flickering of the television set.

However, Jose Delgado at Yale University researched radio frequency energy, and discovered that he could influence the brain using a pulsed radio frequency signal concentration at one-fiftieth of the energy that the earth naturally produces, and this was sufficient to change the behaviour of primates and humans like flipping on and off a light switch. It was not the magnitude of energy, but its specific frequencywhich triggered events within the brain, changed brain chemistry and consequently changed behaviour. A few years ago, a story was released about children having epileptic seizures from watching a cartoon on television. A reaction in the brain was caused by the flicker rate hitting one of these frequencies inadvertently. It wasn't the amount of energy; it was the frequency. It is like dialing a radio station. In between stations, you hear static. When you hit a resonant frequency, a signal that corresponds to the receiver, you get a clear signal.

The root of HAARP research is to control and manipulate environmental factors for military advantage. There are no biological sciences or electrophysiologists associated with the HAARP project, meaning that the health effects of this system aren't really being monitored at all.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative - 'Star Wars'  From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world

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