Cure of all Diseases
Sat, 31 May 2010 17:55:07
Hulda Clark
guide alternatives treatment e-bookDamp locations on the body need to be kept dry with cornstarch daily and keep it up long after it seems to be cured. Use zinc oxide or cornstarch to powder and dry the skin: simply purchase your own zinc oxide powder, mix it with cornstarch and dust it wherever there is moisture or fungal growth. Never use commercially available zinc compounds. Zinc oxide is another natural healer because it competes with theiron that fungus and bacteria need for their reproduction. Do not put chemicals on the skin including soap, fragrance, bath oil, ointment or lotion. Do not use cotton balls. Wash gently with dilute borax and rinse with a vitamin C solution. Vitamin C is acid and is our natural healing agent but it will sting on a broken skin surface. Use it as dilute as necessary. Cloth should be sterilized with hot or boiling water, not bleached. Boil your socks when laundering for athlete's foot. Add 1/2 cup borax to the wash. Addvinegar to the rinse. Vinegar is a yeast inhibitor. Do not eat sugar, or fruit juice, and stay away from antibiotics. Kill Candida daily with a frequency generator or zapper.
Parasites always found in schizophrenia are hookworms in the brain. Also, more mould toxin is seen in schizophrenic families than in other kinds of illness. In recent times there have been especially high levels of mould consumption in foods and beverages.Lead andcopper are commonly seen in schizo-phrenia sufferers. The usual source for these metals is household water from plumbing. Lead accumulation is always seen in children with autism.Mercury can be transmitted from mother to child too. Never remove mercury fillings during pregnancy since the removal causes a surge of heavy metal to enter the body.ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE
Xylene and toluene are pollutants of popular beverages, decaffeinated powders and carbonated drinks which seek the brain. Other toxins present are aluminum, mercury, freon, thallium, and cadmium. Aluminum buildup is seen in all Alzheimer's sufferers (100%). This is undoubtedly part of the true cause. Remove every bit of aluminum from the food and environment. Throw out the pots, the aluminum foil, cookie sheets, the kitchen salt, the baking powder. Buy salt and baking powder without added aluminum. Stop using deodorants and lotions with aluminum. Stop drinking all commercial beverages including bottled water. Make your own fruit juices. Remove dental metal. Use vitamin C (3 grams) and B2 (300 mg) to assist the liver with detoxification. Use B complex (2 a day) to assist the liver generally. Avoid food moulds: ergot especially has strong mental effects. Start a kidney cleanse, and do a liver cleanse. Clean up your environment and diet. Your beloved family member or friend with Alzheimer's can regain his or her mental function to a considerable degree. Stop the mental deterioration before it is irreversible. Finally, find a chelating doctor to help remove aluminum from the brain. Also use thioctic acid (200 mg. 3 times a day), and kill the fluke parasites with the frequency generator or zapper.- Skin repair Clinic
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